Mariya Arts And Science College, Deoli, Dist. Wardha
Scheduled Castes (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST) have been identified as the two most backward groups of Indian Society. They include all the castes, races or tribes, which have been socially, economically and educationally backward. The cell has been established to support and to bring students from such communities in the main stream.
The Scheduled Caste (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST) Cell promotes the special interests of students in the reserved category. It provides special inputs in areas where the students experience difficulties.
The SC/ST cell of the college was established with the purpose to empower the SC/ST students in the college. The college takes special interest in facilitating financial support to students from these communities from government agencies and other sources.
Sr. |
Name of Members |
Designation |
Contact No. |
1 |
Dr. Prakash D.Wankar |
Chairman |
9890923834 |
2 |
Dr. Sujata V. Adikane |
Member |
7620098499 |
3 |
Prof. Vishakha M. Lohakare |
Member |
7620349526 |
4 |
Mr. Adesh V. Todase |
Member |
9970508522 |
5 |
Dr. Anita K. Taksande |
Member |
9822340957 |
6 |
Mr. Adesh A. Hadke |
Student Representative |
7559277245 |
7 |
Toufeeque Aijaz Shaikh |
Miss Vaishali Ghodam |
7559277245 |
The cell organized two meetings in the beginning of the first term and end of the second term of the academic year respectively. The summary of meetings during the last five years is as follows.
Meeting Number |
Discussions |
Action Taken |
2018-19 |
1 |
Discussion about scholarship sources and forms. |
Displayed a sample scholarship form on notice board. |
2 |
Discussion about any query of SC/ST students. |
Resolutions of query regarding SC/ST Students. |
2019-20 |
1 |
Discussion about scholarship sources and forms. |
Displayed a sample scholarship form on notice board. |
2 |
Discussion about Validity. |
The procedure of getting a Validity certificate was discussed with students and displayed on main notice board. |
2020-21 |
There are no any complaints Because of COVID-19 pandemics. |
2021-22 |
1 |
Discussion about scholarship sources and forms. |
Displayed a sample scholarship form on notice board. |
2 |
Carrier guidance to SC/ST students. |
The students were personally guided and also conveyed to nominate their names in University for getting job opportunities. |
2022-23 |
1 |
Discussion about scholarship sources and forms. |
Displayed a sample scholarship form on notice board. |
2 |
Discussion about the rejection of scholarship forms. |
The students whose scholarship forms were rejected were conveyed to fill meritorious scholarship forms. |
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